8Board of Directors Meeting Approved 07/03/00

July 6, 2000



Present: Fell, Chesarek, Varady, Goldmann, Anthony, Forristal, King, Robinson, McInnis, Capozzo, Sottana

Excused: Bond, Koch

Guest: Recknagel, Sconza

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes of June 1, 2000 and Special Minutes of May 16, 2000

Chesarek motioned to approve, Robinson seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report - Accepted.

Construction Committee

O'Brien Builders issues have been resolved.

Mansion punch list is expected to be completed within two weeks.

Master Plan project came in on budget.

A seal coat to the asphalt is needed from the property line at the Tennis building through the circular drive.

Capital Improvement Fund

Based on the Finance Committee projected five transfer fees from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 we will have a $130,000 shortfall in the Capital Improvement Fund.

Furnishing, accessories and landscaping of the Terrace and Mansion, and emergency repairs to the Tennis building will represent approximately $100,000. Anthony motioned to provide for funds as discussed. The members will be billed a maximum of $500.00. The billing will be a maximum of $125.00 per month for four consecutive months commencing on August 1, 2000. Should there be transfer dollars in excess of $100,000 from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 it shall be maintained in a dedicated major capital improvements account for future major capital projects (ie. sprinkler system, trees, etc.). Varady seconded, the motion carried.

Transfer Fee

Robinson motioned to set a new transfer fee of 60/40 (60 percent to the member and 40 percent to the Club) with a minimum transfer fee of $15,000 to be effective July 7, 2000. Anthony seconded, the motion carried with one abstention.

Membership Sales & Notations

The Board took note of seven "Notice to Sell forms which will be effective for sale July 7, 2000. The business office will contact each selling member to give notice of the new transfer fee.


The liaison from each committee gave a report on their committees activities.


Marin Country Club - A request for a foursome including carts to be used as a gift for the ladies charitable fundraiser held on August 17, 2000. Forristall motioned to approve, McInnis seconded. The motion carried.

North Bay Health Center - Requesting two foursomes of golf including carts to be used as a raffle prize for their fundraiser held on July 17, 2000. Varady motioned to approve, Goldmann seconded. The motion carried.

Long Range Preliminary Plan

Sconza distributed a handout for discussion purposes only on a ten year Master Plan which would be divided into two five year plans.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Maurry Koch, Secretary


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